Saturday, March 19, 2011

Tee Ball Time

Nicky participated in his first tee ball game today (we missed the first 2 because he was sick). He did great and he hit the ball on the first pitch as you can see here. He's #7 (the one batting).

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Here's Your Sign...

So we went for a walk today and these flyers were posted everywhere.

Grant and I laughed so hard, the kids thought we were nuts. They didn't get the humor in someone's poor toothless, furless cat. However, I think this lady should be grateful her cat kicked it in the bushes somewhere rather than in her house where her daughter could find it. Call me insensitive...or not.

While I'm at it, here's another one Grant sent me. Too funny...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Ring, Ring...Who's There?

So I see Catelyn digging at her ear this morning and I go and ask her what's wrong. As I look closer, I see something in her ear. I dug it out and this is what I found...

When I asked her why she stuck it in her ear, she said, "phone...hello?" Thank you Playmobil for making a phone the size of my daughter's ear canal :).

Catelyn Meets Special Grandma

Last weekend Mimi took Catelyn to Chicago to meet Special Grandma (Great-Grandma Rybowicz affectionately renamed Special Grandma by Nicky last summer). Catelyn had a great time and got to meet lots of great aunts & uncles too.

With Mimi & Special Grandma

Catelyn & Special Grandma

With Uncle Joe & Aunt Karen