Nicky in his new firetruck with Elmo.
Christmas 2007...and no, Nicky was not happy about taking this picture :).
Grant, Amanda, Nicolas, Catelyn, & Claire
Nicky in his new firetruck with Elmo.
Christmas 2007...and no, Nicky was not happy about taking this picture :).
Posted by
8:45 PM
Tonight Nicolas decided to empty the kitchen drawer and climb inside. I think he was curious but I think he also figured out that if he could stand up in the drawer, he'd have more access to all the interesting things on the countertop. It was too cute to pass up!
Posted by
8:34 PM
This was our Christmas picture from last year. I think I look more tired than I do today (probably because back then I was still getting up with Nick at least 2-3 times a night) but it was a wonderful time. There's something wonderful that children add to Christmastime that is hard to explain. Last year was so much fun just having Nicky around, but this year, it's even better. He gets so excited about the lights on the Christmas tree, the singing snowman figurines, and the sparkly gifts under the tree. I know he doesn't understand what it's all about yet, but he adds an element to Christmas that I never knew I was missing until he came along. I love it!
We have yet to take a Christmas picture this year. Life has just been too crazy. Hopefully we'll take it soon and I'll post it as soon as we do. It's fun to look back at the year before and see how much he's grown. Boy, does it go by fast...
Posted by
8:29 PM
Truffles are one of my favorite treats and today I had a fabulous one - milk chocolate and chambord. We discovered a new place (at least new to us) as we were looking for Christmas gifts to send out to customers and vendors. It's called Telluride Truffles out of Telluride, CO( and since we wanted to know exactly what we were sending people, we had a box sent to us as well. I only had one but was one of the best I've ever had. So...if you have a sweet tooth, give it a try. You won't regret it.
Posted by
6:33 PM
With Christmas right around the corner, I've been thinking about all my favorite foods that I'd like to enjoy before I need to get back on the wagon and start watching what I eat. Most of my comfort foods are linked to a memory of some sort. Many of those memories involve my mother and the fact that she probably made that dish just for me, even if no one else liked it. That always made me feel so special. So with that in mind, here is a list of some of my favorites that I like especially during the holidays and in no particular order...
1. Yams - yes, smothered in brown sugar and marshmallows. Although I do love plain old sweet potatoes...
2. Hot Chocolate - while this hasn't always been a favorite, I discovered (while I was pregnant with Nicky) Godiva has a fabulous hot chocolate and now I love it!
3. Biscuits
4. Brown Beans - I was raised on them and I love them...even if it makes me a little weird :).
5. Brownies - warm and gooey.
6. Homemade Potato Soup
7. Taco Soup
8. Ham - while I have sworn off pork for the most part, every now and then, a good slice of ham just sounds so good.
9. Blueberry Muffins - of course, the wonderful ones my mom makes.
10. Sausage Biscuits - my dad used to make them on Sunday mornings and they were soooo yummy!
Posted by
8:22 PM
Posted by
8:23 PM
As many of you may know, one of my favorite hobbies is quilting. I just love making something beautiful and useful! With that said, I thought I'd share two of my most recent quilts...
Posted by
3:58 PM
Posted by
4:07 PM
A few of our Thanksgiving highlights...
Posted by
8:37 PM
1. Of course, seeing my family & friends.
2. Mom's blueberry muffins.
3. Driving the Blazer (my old car which I LOVE to drive).
4. Being pampered. My parents always make sure that I get well taken care of.
5. Rib Crib & Diamond Jacks.
6. Pedicures with Michelle.
7. Watching my parents get to spend time with Nicky.
8. Going shopping with my Mom.
9. Running errands with Dad.
10. Having the entire family together - Mom, Dad, Jon, Jessica, Grant, Nick, & Me. Now there's a good time and always interesting conversation :).
Posted by
11:01 AM
Posted by
8:14 PM
I decided to take Nicky to the store yesterday to do a little early Christmas shopping. While I navigated delicately through Pier 1 with a stroller, we were bombarded with blaring Christmas music which had absolutely nothing to do with Christmas. Now, I've been known to say that I don't like Christmas music however, I'd like to clarify that statement. I don't like to hear it beforeThanksgiving, but more than anything, I don't care for Christmas music that has nothing to do with Christ. That is the reason for Christmas, isn't it? It can be fun to sing a jingle with the kids every now and then but above all, our entire season should be centered around the fact that Christ was born. To be subjected to listening to someone's poor rendition of I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus while shopping in a store just bugs me.
I do however love Christmas and what it represents. I love giving gifts and spending time with family, and taking the time to reflect upon how Christ came into this world to save us.
Perhaps I should look to shop in stores that don't subject me to such things...but then there's a good possibility no one would be getting any gifts this season :).
Posted by
3:11 PM
Okay, long story short is that when I set up this blog I somehow got a virus on my computer and was afraid to get back on and blog for fear I'd get another one. I've figured out though which site the virus came from and it wasn't the blog. With that said, my new friend, Nicole, has inspired me to start blogging again and I've got some catching up to do. Let's see...starting in August... I threw a baby shower for my long-time friend, Jordan, who is due in December. It was so good to see her (since it had been about 2 years since I'd seen her last) and we had a great time. Here's a picture of several of us Victory girls at the shower.
Nicky's getting to be such a big boy and I didn't realize it until I took this picture in September... He's wearing his favorite shoes - too cute!
At Peltzer Farms with Gramps...
At Conrad Farms in Bixby, OK with Grandpa
For Halloween, Nick was a turtle and he was SUCH a cute turtle!!! There was a halloween party at the Little Gym and he had such a blast!
Posted by
8:31 PM
Posted by
5:22 PM