Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Nicky Turns 5

Saturday was Nicky's 5th birthday and he had a blast at his superhero party. We made capes, pulled out the bounce house & had pizza & cupcakes. Everyone came dressed as their favorite superhero - he was Spiderman & Catelyn was of course, Minnie. Here are some pics from the big day...

Claire didn't dress up, but she was still so cute!

He let Catelyn help him blow out his candle.

Alexander, Nicolas, Jacob (back row), Vincent & Luke (front row).

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Claire on the move

Claire has figured out how to army crawl and she is going anywhere she can...usually toward the closest pair of shoes :). I caught her on video this morning...


So Catelyn has her own version of the nursery rhyme, Rub-a-dub-dub. If you can't quite understand her in the video, it goes something like this:

Rub-a-dub-dub, three dub-dub, who think it is? Good guys! (she used to say, Bad guys :)).

She's also working on her ABCs...

Friday, April 1, 2011

Video Updates

So I decided to do some videos of the kids today so everyone can see them. Claire will be 5 months on the 4th and she is quite the talker. She squeals everytime someone talks to her or walks by and smiles at her. She's so sweet and happy. Catelyn surprised me the other day by counting to 20 almost completely by herself. Here's a video of her trying to do it again. Certainly not perfect but she's learning quickly. And Nicky wanted to sing Itsy Bitsy Spider for the camera so here is his version of the song. Such good kids...I'm so blessed.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Tee Ball Time

Nicky participated in his first tee ball game today (we missed the first 2 because he was sick). He did great and he hit the ball on the first pitch as you can see here. He's #7 (the one batting).

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Here's Your Sign...

So we went for a walk today and these flyers were posted everywhere.

Grant and I laughed so hard, the kids thought we were nuts. They didn't get the humor in someone's poor toothless, furless cat. However, I think this lady should be grateful her cat kicked it in the bushes somewhere rather than in her house where her daughter could find it. Call me insensitive...or not.

While I'm at it, here's another one Grant sent me. Too funny...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Ring, Ring...Who's There?

So I see Catelyn digging at her ear this morning and I go and ask her what's wrong. As I look closer, I see something in her ear. I dug it out and this is what I found...

When I asked her why she stuck it in her ear, she said, "phone...hello?" Thank you Playmobil for making a phone the size of my daughter's ear canal :).